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Calisthenics, the Yoga of Greeks
The calisthenics stems from ancient Greece. The name „calisthenics“ is etymologically Greek roots and is derived from the Greek words „beauty“, which means beauty and „vigor“, which means strength (physical and mental).
The calisthenics based on kinesthetic or rhythmic human ability and is basically an anaerobic training system, comprising various individual or combined movements, often rhythmic, that act synergistically and coordinated by base resistance the same weight of the athlete, using minimum or no equipment.
Vasilis is from Greece and a fitness trainer 2 years now in Düsseldorf. He apply functional training , Crossfit and gymnastics .
In our class we will practice our calisthenics which is a section of gymnastics and we will work with our bodyweight targeting our better posture and gaining strength.
Vasilis is looking forward to meet you all! 🙂